Monday, 19 March 2012

Remove the coulds, Look at the bigger picture.

I have always loved Delta Goodrem, since she was in Neighbours and singing Born to Try. Everyone at school knew I was obsessed with Delta and I bought every single CD that she bought out, even buying a single twice if it meant getting an extra song.
I remember when I found out Delta was diagnosed with cancer, I was at school and I had read it on the internet during lunch time and I couldn't stop crying. How can such a horrible thing have happened to beautiful Delta?
Her second album didn't do as well here in the UK as her first, you can hear the difference between them. The first one is sweet innocent Delta playing pretty piano, the second is a lot darker and more dramatic. It is telling the story of her battles with cancer and in her own words 'A diary'.
I love the words to every song in that album. I feel like I understand every line.
No I don't have cancer, I can't say I know what it is like to go through chemotherapy and have long periods of time in hospital. But I know what it is like to live with chronic illness, to fear to think of the future, to only think one step at a time, to wonder 'Why me?', and to watch the world change before your eyes.
When I first bought her album Mistaken Identity I thought I understood what she was saying because I knew she was singing about her illness.
Now I understand because I feel it.       I feel it too.
Who would have thought when chance came calling that this would be my defining story?
I'm glad Delta sang about this, because I love rediscovering this album when I'm feeling down.
I think about Delta now compared to when she wrote this second album. She is still beautiful, lovely Delta. I hope she is happy, her third album which was a lot more care-free seemed to suggest she is. I believe she is now working on the fourth so I guess time will show what she has come up with. The picture below is one very recently released to announce a new single is coming!
So, Thank you Delta :) You keep on helping me through and telling me to be strong!

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